
5 signs that Vince McMahon won't allow Randy Orton to defeat Drew McIntyre at WWE SummerSlam 2020

Randy Orton is next!
Randy Orton is next!

It's official! Randy Orton will be challenging Drew McIntyre for the WWE Championship at SummerSlam 2020. It was expected. While Brock Lesnar was seemingly planned to be in the main event of SummerSlam again to face Drew McIntyre in a WrestleMania 36 rematch, Tom Colohue reported that WWE didn't want to bring in Brock Lesnar because they feel he's "too big" to perform in the Performance Center.

Either way, Randy Orton is the right choice to be Drew McIntyre's opponent for two main reasons - one, he's been the best heel on the entire roster since the pandemic and has been doing his best work since then; and two, there simply isn't a bigger or better name available.

Drew McIntyre accepted his SummerSlam challenge before his match against Dolph Ziggler and it's now official. To top it all off, he ate an RKO out of nowhere at the end of a show.

Here are five signs that Vince McMahon won't allow Randy Orton to defeat Drew McIntyre at SummerSlam.

#5. It doesn't make much sense to end Drew McIntyre's title reign now to Randy Orton

Drew McIntyre on RAW, July 27th, 2020.
Drew McIntyre on RAW, July 27th, 2020.

Drew McIntyre won the WWE Championship this past April (technically March, if you count the fact that it was pretaped) and is now well over 100 days into his WWE Championship reign. He's been a great Champion so far and he's been the perfect representative of the WWE Championship during the pandemic era of WWE.

While we certainly miss the crowds and the reactions, he's done well despite having no crowds. What many people don't understand is the pressure it is to be in the position he's in, let alone during the pandemic era.

If Drew McIntyre loses the WWE Championship to Randy Orton, it would be a title change for the sake of a title change.

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