5 signs which prove Kevin Owens will be better as a face on WWE RAW than Seth Rollins

Over the past few months, it has been clear that Kevin Owens has been one of the most popular stars currently in WWE. The authorities also helped him as he was given a new finishing move and started hitting the Stunner, quite possibly the most babyface move of all time.
With Owens' popularity soaring, however, it should be noted that KO has always been an excellent heel. It seems as though he exudes being a heel such that at one time it was thought that Owens would never really be able to perform as a babyface again. This has clearly been proved to be false and his feud with Shane McMahon pushed him back into the limelight.
While his immense push as a face has not really been used by WWE at every point properly, the fact remains that Owens is an incredible face and has shown it. Despite that, often, the best characters do not really succeed in WWE.
In this article, we are going to be taking a look at 5 signs which prove that Kevin Owens will succeed as a face on WWE RAW and be better than Seth Rollins!
#5 Not enough faces

WWE RAW is lacking in one major thing at the moment, and that's a likable main event-worthy babyface.
There's a definite lack of faces on the roster at the moment. If we take a look at the heels at the top level, however, there are quite a few. At this time, what's required, are faces who can take on these heels and have realistic feuds with them.
AJ Styles, Drew McIntyre, and Brock Lesnar are all top-level Superstars without a proper feud at the moment. In the long term, they need a convincing babyface Superstar to have a feud with. Kevin Owens is not only believable, he also has the crowd support and would be the perfect person to step into such a role.