
5 solutions to WWE's current TV ratings crisis 

What can WWE do to get back on track?
What can WWE do to get back on track?

The first thing that many think about when the topic of WWE is brought up is its current TV ratings crisis, as Vince McMahon's promotion is under a lot of pressure to pick Raw and SmackDown Live out of the slump.

While many do feel the need to criticize the company on its shortcomings, it can't be denied that WWE is making a solid effort to get both brand's back on the road to success.

However, let us be honest here, when looking at the company's proposed solutions to achieve this goal, it suddenly starts to dawn on you that WWE might not have a clear idea of the direction they are heading, as their 'wild card rule' is starting to look like a complete mess.

While many critics and we as fans bashed the WWE with regards that decision (which is totally understandable), there are so many moving parts McMahon has to consider when making his choices, as wrestling is 50 percent business and 50 percent passion.

We as fans won't give two thoughts about the financial side of things, but for a billion dollar company like WWE, it's a must. So, let's go through other possible solutions WWE should have in the bag when solving a TV rating crisis they caused themselves.

#1 Look to the past to build the future

Use the legends to build new ones
Use the legends to build new ones

The one thing fans hate about having legends' return to WWE is the fact that these once in a lifetime stars are wasted by the creative team, as most appearances made by The Undertaker, Goldberg, and even the returned Shawn Micheals have been relegated to the shows WWE do in the middle east.

WWE should be thinking long term gains instead of short term profit, as there are so many ways these veterans could be utilized to improve the product. One of those ways is to elevate younger talent to a level where they can carry the show by themselves, as just look at the biggest WWE star in Roman Reigns, this is a man that only gained that status by working with the likes of Brock Lesnar, The Undertaker, and John Cena.

Without those programs helping the young Samoan reach his main event status, where would he be today? The same could be said for other young stars like Aleister Black, Ricochet, Andrade, and Ali, while most of these stars work with veterans, it's not to the same extent WWE designed Reigns' push.

Maybe with more recognizable faces in the promotion, WWE can climb out of the rating slump, and one concrete way to do that will be to build up more prominent stars using veterans instead of trying to stretch Reigns thin on Raw and SmackDown Live in hopes of improving TV ratings.

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