
5 Sour WWE Relationships that Destroyed Careers

Del Rio and Paige to kiss their WWE careers goodbye?

Alberto Del Rio and Paige have made headlines recently. Sadly, it’s not been because of their wrestling skills. Here are two superstars who were unhappy with their position in the company in recent times, and in their unhappiness found solace in the company of one another.

After all, both of them had been top superstars once upon a time, but their recent runs have been underwhelming to say the least. Recently it’s been speculated that WWE official Mark Carrano had harassed both superstars, trying to get them to break up.

One assumes that is the reason why they were drafted to two different brands (Paige to Raw, and Del Rio to Smackdown). We believe, from the rumors that we hear, that both Del Rio and Paige will end their careers with WWE soon. We’re sad to see them go, but hey...the show must go on, right?

We’re sad to see them go, but hey...the show must go on, right?

But this is not the first time that romance has destroyed a career within World Wrestling Entertainment. Let’s look at 5 other instances of the same. 

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