
5 storylines where Vince McMahon was a babyface

Vince and Stephanie
Vince and Stephanie

On an episode of Raw back in 1997, Bret "The Hitman" Hart snapped and pushed Vince McMahon, following it up with a verbal tirade. This moment is deemed by many as the birth of the Mr. McMahon character. By this point, Vince was a babyface announcer who made it a point to keep himself away from the in-ring drama. The pure hatred on Vince's face after getting pushed by Hart was the beginning of something incredibly special.

For the next two decades, Vince played the part of a villain on WWE TV, feuding with some of the biggest babyfaces in history, most notably Stone Cold Steve Austin. McMahon's "Boss vs Employee" rivalry against Austin was a major reason why WWE managed to take out WCW from the business. There were some instances though when Vince acted as a babyface. Let's take a look at five storylines where Vince McMahon was a babyface.

Also read: Stone Cold reacts to fan telling him not to break kayfabe

#5 Vince McMahon vs Triple H

Stephanie and Triple H
Stephanie and Triple H

At Armageddon 1999, Triple H met Vince McMahon in a No Holds Barred Match. The stipulation to the match stated that Triple H's wedding with Stephanie McMahon would be annulled if Vince won the match, and Vince's loss would result in The Game getting a WWE title shot.

The two men wrestled for a long while, with the brawl continuing outside the building on one occasion. Stephanie was sitting at ringside in support of Vince, who came in as a father who wanted to rid his daughter from the clutches of Triple H. The match ended when Stephanie stopped Vince from attacking Triple H with a sledgehammer, giving the latter enough time to hit Vince instead. After Triple H won, Stephanie turned heel on her father by aligning with Triple H and revealing that it was all a ploy.

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