
5 storylines WWE never followed up on

Didn't The Fiend have a weakness of some kind?
Didn't The Fiend have a weakness of some kind?

WWE does numerous storylines every single year and while many of them end up being wildly successful, others just fall flat and really offer nothing to the overall product. Now that's not necessarily a bad thing, especially since it's impossible to always create gold on every single outing, but there are some that are more noticeable than others.

Furthermore, there are some storylines that for one reason or another got started and were never finished. It's almost like the company doesn't want to acknowledge that these things actually happened and try to just forget about them. What's interesting about that, however, is that not ever scrapped storyline was failure.

With that being said and a few possible successes and failures on this list, here are five storylines that WWE never followed up on. As always, let us know your thoughts in the comments below and be sure to tell us which storylines you wish WWE had actually followed up on.

#5. Batista's rematch

Why did Batista never get his rematch?
Why did Batista never get his rematch?

Isn't it funny how the world of pro wrestling works sometimes?

While the original goal for WrestleMania 30 was supposedly to have Batista win the Royal Rumble and go on to defeat Randy Orton for the WWE Title, a fan rebellion stopped it dead in its tracks. In fact, the company was pretty much forced to put Daniel Bryan in the WWE title picture and eventually award him the title after defeating both Orton and Batista.

With that being said, Batista was promised a rematch with Bryan for the WWE Title and ended up never getting it. Instead, he was paired with Triple H and Randy Orton to reform Evolution and take on The Shield. Now that feud turned out to be nothing less than legendary, especially with how it all ended, but Batista never ended up back in the title picture.

In the end, The Shield versus Evolution feud probably played a huge role in Batista never getting a rematch, but Bryan's concussion injury and Batista's contract expiring definitely put the nail in the coffin. Unfortunately for the WWE Universe, Batista decided to retire from pro wrestling after a loss to Triple H at WrestleMania 35, which effectively ended any chance of this match happening.

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