
5 Superstars/Teams who should go to the Indies to rebuildĀ 

McIntyre completely reinvented himself on the indie circuit
McIntyre completely reinvented himself on the indie circuit

Although many of the Superstars and teams in today's WWE seem to have the IT factor, it really takes something special to break the glass ceiling and get a sustained push.

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Due to the overcrowding on both rosters, it is nigh on impossible to really stand out and because of this, some deserving Superstars are often overlooked. This leads to them being dropped to the mid-card and the WWE universe not understanding why.

Sometimes, it seems the best option is for the Superstar to cut ties with the WWE and go back to the independent scene. This allows them to rebuild as a character like Cody has, and so when they get so big that the WWE comes calling again, they will have much more leverage and a big enough fan base for a push.

One such example of this is Drew Mcintyre. McIntyre first debuted in the WWE with a gimmick of being Vince McMahon's 'Chosen One' and with this sort of gimmick you'd think the sky was the limit.

This was not meant to be as McIntyre's in-ring ability, mic skills and overall character work were not up to scratch.

He then, however, left the WWE and dominated the indie scene gaining experience along the way that turned him into the Superstar he is today, complete with a big following, developed move set and great mic work.

In this article, we look at 5 Superstars and teams who have the ability to follow this same formula to success due to either needing character development or a character refresh due to becoming stale.

#5 Tyler Breeze

Could Prince Pretty make an impact at AEW?
Could Prince Pretty make an impact at AEW?

Tyler Breeze had somewhat of a cult following in NXT and it looked like he was going to have a successful run in WWE but something just didn't come together.

His first feud in the main roster was with Dolph Ziggler. It looked as if this might be Ziggler's way of passing the torch to Breeze as they have similar cocky heel traits.

Although Breeze did go over Ziggler and had some good in-ring performances for some reason, creative did not get behind Breeze and the next thing we knew he was in a comedy tag team with Fandango called the Fashion Police and although they provided some comic relief, this has to be seen as a fall from grace.

Lately, Breeze has appeared on NXT and is welcomed warmly as he drifts back into the character he once was for one night only but why stop there?

With AEW pulling out all the stops to sign high caliber superstars, Breeze is the kind of guy that could headline events for the brand and at the same time gain the fanfare required to get a real push the day WWE once again come calling!

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