
5 Superstars that seem to be gaining momentum in WWE

Like it or not, Baron Corbin could be WWE's next big thing!
Like it or not, Baron Corbin could be WWE's next big thing!


It's a make or break factor for every single Superstar in the WWE and while some may have lost momentum as the new year approaches, there are a lot of Superstars that have surprisingly gained it. In fact, if the end of 2019 is an indicator, we could be looking at a completely different WWE when 2020 rolls around.

While that might sound a little too over-dramatic and naïve to say, the Superstars that WWE is currently choosing to push seem to reflect this idea perfectly. They even seem to be going out of their way to build up new Superstars or the ones who were big in the past, which is going to be interesting to see.

With that being said and 2019 finally almost in the books, here are five Superstars that seem to be gaining momentum. As always, let us know your thoughts in the comments below and be sure to tell us who you think is gaining momentum.

#5 Elias

WWE wants to walk with Elias!
WWE wants to walk with Elias!

Elias may not have competed in an actual match since returning from an ankle injury, but his stinging one-liners and creative backstage segments have generated a lot of renewed focus. WWE even has the audience firmly behind Elias at this point in time, which will make his next set of actions a must-see.

If nothing else, Elias is that rare type of Superstar who can thrive in any situation that WWE puts him in. Interestingly enough, WWE has chosen to make him a midcard babyface for the time being and while some might see that as a mistake, the reaction he is getting seems to prove otherwise.

In the end, this is going to help Elias gain a lot of momentum, work his way to the top of the midcard, and maybe even compete for a championship. Maybe WWE can even team him up with someone and create a sort of an odd pairing going forward. The possibilities are truly endless here!

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