5 Superstars who almost definitely are not winning the men's Royal Rumble this year

Disclaimer: The views of the author do not necessarily reflect those of Sportskeeda.
Right now, there are more than 20 names announced for the 2020 Royal Rumble. The competition is stiff, and it's a pretty star-studded list. It's a 'who's who' of WWE Superstars.
Everyone's talking about potential winners and the like, as that's always fun to do. There's nothing wrong with harmless speculation (unless you're the kind of guy who bets money on these things). But we're not doing that.
We're going to flip the script and do the opposite, let's talk about the dudes who almost definitely aren't winning.
Obviously, we're only going to pick Superstars who are in the match (there's no way The Fiend is winning!), and Superstars who are credible enough to win (there's no way Aiden English is winning!). So let's get right to it and talk about who probably won't get to point at the WrestleMania sign and watch all those fireworks.
#5 King Corbin

In every Rumble he's been in, King Corbin could have easily been in the top five, and no one would have complained about it being unbelievable. They'd complain that Corbin was too lame to make it so far, but it's not the same complaint they'd make if Primo made it to the top five.
The King is one of the top stars on SmackDown right now, and his high profile feud with resident golden boy Roman Reigns has only boosted his stock. However, I don't think this is Corbin's year to win.
The Fiend is the Universal Champion, and it seems he'll be holding onto that title for a while. There's probably a big-money match being saved up for him at WrestleMania, and Corbin is not the guy for that. Plus, Reigns is probably tossing him out of the ring in five minutes.