
5 Superstars who could benefit from a heel turnĀ 

Who should follow in Lashley's footsteps and turn heel in the coming months?
Who should follow in Lashley's footsteps and turn heel in the coming months?

The WWE has gone heel turn crazy over the last 72 hours. Since Saturday's Super Show-Down event, we have seen The Undertaker, Kane, The Bella Twins, and Bobby Lashley all turn heel, with at least four of those five coming as something of a surprise to the WWE audience.

While the heel turns of The Brothers of Destruction and The Bella Twins have happened to purely set up one-off matches, Bobby Lashley's heel turn looks to be a little bit more permanent, and fans will be hoping that the change of character can finally breathe some life into Lashley's run with the company.

As we've seen several times this year already, a heel turn can be an effective way of helping a superstar build some momentum, and provide them with an opportunity to showcase a different side of their characters and even their in-ring work.

With that in mind, let's take a look at five other superstars who could benefit from a heel turn in the near future.

#5 R-Truth

R-Truth has been ever present on SmackDown in recent weeks
R-Truth has been ever present on SmackDown in recent weeks

R-Truth has been more relevant in the last few weeks that he has been for the last five years thanks to his unlikely partnership with Carmella and a lot more on-screen exposure than usual.

That being said, Truth can only stay relevant for so long while he continues to operate under his comedy gimmick. While he may be one of the oldest members of the roster, Truth is still a solid performer both in the ring and on the mic, and it wouldn't do the WWE any damage to keep him relevant for a little while longer.

One way to do that would be to resurrect his partnership with The Miz. Since leaving Raw, The Miz has not had anybody to do his dirty work for him, and given the nature of his defeat to Bryan at Super Show-Down, he may need to call on an old friend for help if he is going to regain some momentum in their feud.

Truth is a performer who is more than willing to commit to a cause, and he will have no problem being collateral damage as the feud between Bryan and The Miz escalates. He has demonstrated in recent weeks that he still has what it takes to remain relevant, so why not extend his run and reunite an old tag-team?

The Awesome Truth were an excellent addition to the WWE during their original run, and there's no doubt that they couldn't recapture that magic second time around.

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