
5 superstars who could face Daniel Bryan for the WWE Championship at WrestleMania 35

Daniel Bryan and his intellectual peer 'Rowan' are a force to reckon with
Daniel Bryan and his intellectual peer 'Rowan' are a force to reckon with

Ever since Daniel Bryan turned heel and regained the WWE Championship, fans were shell-shocked to their very core. Nobody would've imagined that we would be entering the year 2019 with a 'heel' Daniel Bryan as the WWE Champion.

The 'New Daniel Bryan' environmentalist shtick has worked tremendously well, with Bryan able to generate heat from the very same crowds that loved and adored him so much. He has even replaced the WWE Championship title with an eco-friendly one, taking his new gimmick to an all-together different level.

Bryan has also been able to recruit Rowan, the former Wyatt Family member, as his intellectual peer. With Rowan by his side, Bryan has become an unstoppable force on Tuesday nights. It's safe to say that with Daniel Bryan as WWE Champion, SmackDown Live has become quite an interesting show to watch, with fans eagerly waiting for someone to dethrone him.

This tells us how incredible a performer Daniel Bryan truly is. He has been constantly putting on great matches against the likes of Kofi, Styles, and others, and was also involved in the show-stealing Elimination Chamber match.

Bryan is currently scheduled to defend his WWE Championship against Kevin Owens at the Fastlane PPV, after his previous opponent, Kofi was removed from the match by the Chairman of WWE, Vince McMahon.

With WrestleMania 35 just around the corner, there is a lot of buzz and excitement as to who would face Bryan for the WWE Championship. There are numerous viable options who could face Bryan at WWE's biggest show of the year. On this list, we'll be running down the top 5 choices to face Bryan, which makes sense from both, a storyline as well as an in-ring action point of view.

#5 Mustafa Ali

Mustafa Ali is out with an injury
Mustafa Ali is out with an injury

If rumors are to be believed, Mustafa Ali was being evaluated this past week, following his injury which he suffered in a match against Randy Orton. As a result, he was ruled out of the WWE Championship Elimination Chamber match and was replaced by Kofi. Rumors also suggest that Kofi got the booking that was initially planned for Ali.

One should not forget that Mustafa Ali pinned Daniel Bryan clean in the middle of the ring in a tag-team match on SmackDown Live, which also involved Styles and Andrade. We all know that Mustafa Ali can deliver the goods in the ring.

He has put on some phenomenal matches in his WWE career already. Everyone remembers the barn-burner that he and Cedric Alexander put on last year at WrestleMania. If he gets the opportunity this year against Bryan, he'll definitely put on a clinic for the ages.

From a storyline perspective, his inclusion in the title match makes sense as he never got a chance to compete for the biggest prize in WWE, despite proving his worthiness. It would make for a great babyface moment, as Mustafa Ali's story is one of truly hard work and determination.

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