
5 WWE Superstars who deserve high profile matches at WrestleMania 36

Kevin Owens deserves a big match at WrestleMania
Kevin Owens deserves a big match at WrestleMania

WrestleMania 36 is right around the corner and while a lot of the card is still being worked out as we speak, there are certain Superstars that probably deserve high profile spots more than others. In fact, there are quite a few talents that fall under this category and it would just seem wrong to not give them their due on the biggest stage of them all.

Of course, some fans are going to disagree about which Superstars deserve high profile matches and which ones don't, but that's the fun of opinions. In the end, we don't have to agree and the fact that we don't doesn't make anyone else's picks any less valid than the others.

With that being said, here are five Superstars that deserve marquee matches at The Show of Shows. As always, let me know your thoughts in the comments below and be sure to tell us who you think is deserving of a high profile spot at this year's WWE WrestleMania.

#5 Rusev

Rusev i s very deserving of a high profile feud at WrestleMania 36
Rusev i s very deserving of a high profile feud at WrestleMania 36

WWE knows that they have a talented babyface in Rusev and while that plan didn't ultimately come to fruition in his feud with Bobby Lashley, it doesn't mean it can't further down the line. In fact, if WWE were to go back to the drawing board and start getting fans behind the Bulgarian Brute again, he could surge in popularity once again.

Whether that happens by slowly getting him back together with Lana or even putting him in the midcard title picture remains to be seen, but the company needs to give him some kind of high profile WrestleMania 36 match. Either that, or risk shutting the door on what could be Rusev's last chance to get to the top of the mountain.

In the end, the company has done a great job of making people care about Rusev. They did it in the Bobby Lashely storyline and did even did it before that with Rusev Day. If nothing else, this is something that can be replicated only so many times before fans give up and they might just be reaching that limit.

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