5 superstars who need to turn heel by the summer
There are a number of Superstars in WWE who could thrive in the heel role, however, they are stuck as faces.
Many of the stars on this list are much better and more entertaining as the bad guy. They may be a successful face or a total bust, but either way, enough is enough and it is time for a change.
No time is better than the WrestleMania season for some mixing up. These five stars need to join the dark side.
#5 Randy Orton
It's understandable why Randy Orton is a face. He pushes a lot of merchandise and he has the most 'over' finishing move in WWE. To be honest, though, he isn't fun to watch as a face. He looks bored and he admits to wanting to be in a heel role. As a face there isn't much of a character behind Orton; he seems bland.
The Apex Predator is at his best when he is a heel and thrives on being despised by the crowd. Most of his best moments have come as a heel. He clearly has more fun as a heel and when the wrestler is having a good time, that translates to the crowd.
SmackDown also is in need of some more top heels other than Sami Zayn and Kevin Owens. Orton could have some great feuds with Nakamura and Styles if he were to turn heel.