5 WWE Superstars who were expected to make big returns but fizzled out
They say that expectations are always the root of disappointments. This is applicable to everything in life including professional wrestling. And due to the sheer amount of passion that is involved when you are a diehard fan of the business, the disappointments that come along are too hard to handle.
Throughout the course of the professional wrestling history, we’ve seen ourselves holding too much at stake when a return is set to happen.
We lose our minds and count the days down to the actual moment, but then it ends up disappointing us. Here are some of such expected big returns that ended up disappointing us in the end.
#5 Tensai
In the early 2000s, Matt Bloom enjoyed a solid amount of success with WWE playing various gimmicks. He had his part in some memorable matches during this stay but was later cut by WWE.
This release carried Bloom all the way to Japan where he reincarnated as a monster heel. Bloom was so successful in Japan that WWE decided to bring him back as a big deal.
They played out vignettes and promos for his return and on paper and the idea was perfect. However, in execution, it flopped as the fans were still stuck in the time where Bloom played the A-Train character.
One thing led to another and Bloom finally settled for a backstage role in the Performance Centre.