
5 Superstars whose gimmicks WWE is desperately planning to change 

Finn Balor
Finn Balor

Change is the only constant when it comes to the world of WWE. While there are certain characters like The Undertaker that have remained the same for a number of years, even they have gone through multiple changes every now and then.

It is very important to keep the characters of WWE Superstars fresh at all times as complacency can result in the Superstar getting stale and losing steam. There have been multiple backstage reports that state that WWE is looking to change the characters of certain current Superstars by tweaking their gimmicks and hoping them to give them a new boost.

Let us take a look at 5 such Superstars who will be getting a major change to their characters in the coming weeks:

#5 Becky Lynch

It was recently announced that Becky Lynch will be sharing the cover of WWE 2K20 along with Roman Reigns. While that comes as great news for all her fans, there is no denying that The Man has been losing steam as of late.

Ever since Lynch won the first-ever women's main event at Wrestlemania 35, she started to show more babyface traits than the tweener character that she portrayed before. Even her recent stint as her real-life partner Seth Rollin' tag team partner did not exactly excite the fans much.

As per reports from the Observer, "WWE is doing things trying to get Becky Lynch over like she was during her initial run to the title." They also stated that WWE wants to turn Becky Lynch into a female Stone Cold blurring the lines between babyface and heel.

Lynch has already started portraying more of the 'devil may care' attitude in her on-going feud with Natalya, but it is safe to assume that The Man will surely be unleashing her 'heel' side even more in the coming weeks.

Also Read: 5 reasons why WWE canceled 3 major Championship matches for SummerSlam

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