
5 superstars whose true potential we never got to witness

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Ah, the things that could have been. There have been thousands and thousands of stars who have come into the pro wrestling business. Some disappear without a trace. Some make an impact within a very short period. Some stay for the long haul and attain legend status. But the most heartbreaking of the lot is the countless individuals who clearly had what it takes to shine in the business but never achieved greatness to their full potential. This can be due to an untimely death, injury, early retirement, etc.

Let's have a look at five such superstars, whose true potential, for varied reasons, we never got to witness.

#5 Corey Graves

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Graves during his time in NXT

Today, we know Corey Graves as arguably the best commentator currently employed by the WWE. There's no denying that WWE struck gold when they recognised his speaking skills and hired him as a colour commentator.

But what the WWE Universe missed out on is the star Corey could have been if not for his premature retirement as a wrestler due to successive concussions. His matches in NXT with the likes of Dolph Ziggler, Sami Zayn, along with tag team bouts alongside Neville are enough to show that he was a skilled performer in the ring. He had a certain look and charisma, along with enviable mic skills, to make it as a superstar.

Unfortunately, Corey as a top wrestler in WWE is probably something we can only wistfully imagine.

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