
5 superstars WWE desperately need back in 2021

Edge has been out of action for the second half of 2020
Edge has been out of action for the second half of 2020

There are a handful of WWE superstars that have taken time away due to various reasons. Whether it's an injury or otherwise, these stars are those who have had big plans ahead. For one reason or the other, their momentum has been halted and WWE will be eagerly waiting to have them back in 2021:

#5. Becky Lynch - Away from WWE due to maternity leave

An emotional Becky Lynch in her last WWE appearance of 2020
An emotional Becky Lynch in her last WWE appearance of 2020

Becky Lynch was not only the focal point of WWE's women's division between April 2019 and May 2020, but she was among the company's biggest stars even before that. She has been out of action since May (Technically April, when WWE was taping RAW and SmackDown).

Viewed initially as the superstar with the lowest ceiling among the Four Horsewomen, Becky Lynch ended up outshining all three other women - with the pinnacle of her career coming at WrestleMania 35. Becky Lynch, along with Charlotte Flair and Ronda Rousey, made history by becoming the first women in WWE history to headline the grandest stage of them all.

She would make history by becoming the first woman in the RAW Women's title lineage to surpass a year as Champion. There's little doubt about the impact that she had on the WWE Women's division and post-Ronda Rousey, she proved to be the perfect person to run with the torch.

WWE's investment in Becky Lynch turned out to be a successful one as she ended up having the most impactful Women's title reign in years. She may not have won as many Championships as Charlotte Flair, but even The Queen wasn't able to reach the level of popularity that Becky did when she was the focal point of WWE's Women's division.

Becky Lynch vacated the RAW Women's Championship and has been away for half a year now. She has left a big hole in the Women's division that has yet to be filled and while she will be away for a while due to her maternity leave, there's no doubt that WWE will be desperate to have one of their big-money stars back on the active roster.

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