
5 surprising moments from Raw after Summerslam 2017

Not al<p>
Not all the fans were pleased to see these two in Brooklyn

I really hate beach balls. I want that to be very clear after tonight’s show in Brooklyn for the permanent record.

One of the reasons I wanted to review last night’s show was the Raw and Smackdown after the major pay-per-views are being treated by the WWE as such a big deal. A lot of WWE fans think the Raw after WrestleMania is usually better and more surprising than WrestleMania itself.

The WWE is trying to duplicate that magic with all the major pay-per-view events now. What would the crowd be like for the important post-Summerslam Raw? The crowd was certainly more obnoxious than the Summerslam fans from the night before. But to be fair, they didn’t get a show as interesting as Summerslam.

With all of this in my thoughts, I present my list of the top five most surprising moments of the Raw After Summerslam 2017:

#5 Big Cass suffers a horrible injury

Poor Big Cass

This was not an expected surprise by the WWE but it deserves a place on this list regardless. It is never a comfortable sight seeing a WWE wrestler just collapse on WWE programming. He must have been in a tremendous amount of pain to stop the match and it was a shocking sight to see.

I wonder what this means for Big Cass. We certainly need to find the severity of the injury first but it wasn’t like Big Cass was setting the world on fire before the injury. His one-sided feud with Enzo did him no favours. His mic skills didn’t look very good after being separated from Enzo.

Say what you will about Enzo, but he has few equals in the talking department, and it quickly exposed Big Cass’ weakness in that department. To top it off, Big Cass had clearly the worst match of Summerslam.

I hope that the Big Cass’ injury isn’t too bad as it looked terrible and he can come back repacked in some way to take him to the next level.

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