
5 surprising moments from Survivor Series 2018

Charlotte is not a real fan of Ronda right now.
Charlotte is not a real fan of Ronda right now.

Poor Smackdown.

“WWE Survivor Series 2018” was a pretty confusing show to me. I mean on one hand the match quality was actually pretty solid throughout the long night. But the booking decisions made little logical sense. Why have Smackdown look so bad?

Again the match quality wasn’t bad. I do think it was one of the better Nakamura matches on the main roster against Seth Rollins. We had one of the better moments of the year with Charlotte Flair and Ronda Rousey.

Flair’s heel turn is one that will be talked about for a long time. We even had one of the biggest surprises of them all: Brock Lesnar actually seemed to care in a pro wrestling match.

As I am still figuring out why Vince hates the Blue Brand so much , I will try to distract myself and present my list of the top five most surprising moments of WWE Survivor Series 2018:

#5 A lot of superstars were missing

I really missed
I really missed "The Man" on Sunday night. I am sure the Los Angeles fans did as well.

The WWE main roster sure loves to have a lot of interference in its pay-per-view matches. However it would have made actual logical sense for Dean Ambrose, Becky Lynch or AJ Styles to appear based on their storylines in recent weeks.

So did they cost their recent rivals the most important matches at Survivor Series? Nope. They couldn’t even bother to show up. For once it would have make logical sense to get them on the card and they decided not to do it on Sunday. The WWE is strange.

To take some of your best faces and heels and have them all no-show one of your biggest events of the year seems strange. However, a lot of their other decisions were surprising on Sunday night. Why not have a lot of your biggest stars missing as well?

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