
5 Surprising moments from WrestleMania 33

I knew he would say goodbye some day but it still was emotional

Well, that was a long night.

It was certainly a long and memorable night in Orlando. If you count the Kickoff show, it was over seven hours of wrestling. That is a lot to process. We had some interesting booking choices, shocking returns, multiple title switches and the biggest farewell possible.

With all of this in mind, I present my list of the top five most surprising moments of WWE WrestleMania 33:

#5 Shane McMahon has the best match on the card

Of course Shane can do a Shooting Star Press

Shane McMahon has a habit of showing up at WrestleMania and exceeding his limited experience.

He has had memorable matches with Vince McMahon, X-Pac and even the Undertaker, it usually was for the crazy spots but Shane always delivered. I expected another spot fest carried by the best wrestler in the company, AJ Styles for this match. I was wrong.

Also read: Ranking all the matches from WrestleMania 33

The majority of the match was technical wrestling and Shane did quite well. It had a good pace to it and had a lot of fun mat-based wrestling.

Yes, we got the traditional Shane jumping through tables and into trashcans but it was a quality twenty-minute wrestling match. And to end it with a Shooting Star Press? Wow. It started the show off with a fantastic opening match. 

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