
5 Surprising Moments from WWE WrestleMania 38 Night Two

Who can possibly defeat this man?
Who can possibly defeat this man?

At WWE WrestleMania 38 Night Two, fans saw 76-year-old Vince McMahon wrestle a match. Let that sink in.

It was an interesting night of professional wrestling. It seems as though it won't be remembered as fondly as Night One, but it was a show packed with spectacles nonetheless.

Night Two had an excellent Raw Tag Team Title Match, one of the most entertaining comedy matches in WWE history, a unique bout between AJ Styles and Edge, and a surprising ending to the main event.

In the grand scheme of things, it seems likely that WrestleMania 38 on the whole will be considered a success by pro wrestling fans.

As we try to figure out how Vince McMahon took the worst Stone Cold Stunner in history, let's explore the five most surprising moments of WWE WrestleMania 38 Night Two.

#5. Triple H says goodbye at WWE WrestleMania 38 Night Two

The Game signified his retirement by leaving his boots in the ring
The Game signified his retirement by leaving his boots in the ring

WWE WrestleMania 38 Night Two kicked off with a surprising segment. Triple H’s music hit and he made the way to the ring. WWE let the moment breathe, and The Game, as he is wont to do, milked it for all it was worth.

Triple H made his traditional entrance, hugged his daughters and entered the ring to the cheers of a loud WrestleMania crowd. He thanked the WWE Universe and welcomed them to WrestleMania.

Upon leaving, his wrestling boots were shown in the middle of the ring, signifying his retirement. It was a simple gesture but one that resonated with WWE fans - a surprising and touching way to kick off WrestleMania 38 Night Two.

#4. The creativity of the Anything Goes Match at WWE WrestleMania 38 Night Two


@iamweeman just lifted @SamiZayn up for a body slam at #WrestleMania!

@jackassworld https://t.co/yS6tFamh6g

You didn’t expect a match between Johnny Knoxville and Sami Zayn to be a serious bout, did you?

The Anything Goes Match at WrestleMania Night Two will certainly divide the viewing audience. Your enjoyment of this bout ultimately depends on what you are looking for in pro wrestling, but you have to admire the creativity of all involved here.

Fans saw garbage cans and tables used frequently. We had Party Boy dancing in his underwear to distract Zayn. The crowd went wild for Wee Man slamming Sami Zayn. Sami also took a bowling ball to the groin and tried to run away before getting hit by a giant hand. He even fell onto a table of mousetraps. Ouch.

The ending was unique, as the “Jackass” Team brought in a giant mousetrap. After some work, they were able to trap Sami Zayn and get the pinfall for Knoxville. Humor is certainly in the eye of the beholder, but it can't be denied that all involved worked hard to create a unique and fun bout at WrestleMania 38 Night Two.

#3. Damien Priest forms an alliance with Edge at WWE WrestleMania 38 Night Two

Damien Priest seems to have joined forces with Edge
Damien Priest seems to have joined forces with Edge

The Edge vs. AJ Styles match was one of the most anticipated bouts of the entire WrestleMania weekend. It was a dream match between two of the best wrestlers in the company's history. Did they live up to the hype at WrestleMania Night Two?

The match was likely not what a lot of fans were expecting. It was more of a slow-paced and counter-based fight. It seemed to take a while for the crowd to get into the action, which was also a surprise. However, the match did include a shocking ending.

As AJ Styles attempted to leap from the top rope, he noticed that Damien Priest was at ringside. This appearance briefly distracted Styles, who then attempted the Phenomenal Forearm. However, Edge caught him with a Spear and picked up the victory. Priest celebrated with Edge post-match.

Is this the start of a new stable for Edge? It's hard to say, but it was surprising to see the alliance begin at WrestleMania Night Two. It's doubtful that this will be the last we see of the Edge-Styles feud.

#2. Vince McMahon wrestles and wins at WWE WrestleMania 38 Night Two


#WrestleMania @PatMcAfeeShow @VinceMcMahon https://t.co/uf8oPdUvfn

On WrestleMania 38 Night One, fans saw 57-year-old Stone Cold Steve Austin wrestling his first match in 19 years. It was a special moment. What would WWE do for an encore on Night Two? Why not have the 76-year-old owner of the company wrestle a match? Crazy to say the least.

After Pat McAfee defeated Austin Theory, he proceeded to trash-talk Theory and Vince McMahon. This angered the boss, who decided to take off his suit and tie and enter the ring. Vince McMahon was about to have his first pro wrestling match in a decade. Who saw that coming?

It won’t go down as a mat classic, but it was quite a WrestleMania moment. To see Stone Cold and Vince McMahon interact yet again on Sunday night was fun as well. Nostalgia should be allowed from time to time in pro wrestling. We saw that a lot at WrestleMania Night Two.

#1. Roman Reigns pins Brock Lesnar clean at WWE WrestleMania 38 Night Two

Acknowledge GREATNESS.

#WrestleMania @WWERomanReigns @HeymanHustle https://t.co/hEyJngStZi

The main event of WrestleMania Night Two was the long-anticipated match between Roman Reigns and Brock Lesnar. The stakes were higher than they've possibly ever been - both of the company's top titles on the line.

Could Roman Reigns and Lesnar live up to the billing of “The Biggest WrestleMania Match of All Time”? When it was all over, most WWE fans would say no.

The match was similar to others between the two. It featured a plethora of wrestling's most basic moves and an overload of finishing maneuvers. It had a lot of near-falls as well.

Partway through the match, however, The Tribal Chief seemed to suffer a shoulder injury. Brock went for an F5 shortly after, but was shoved into the ropes by Roman and received a Spear for his troubles. Then, very suddenly, the match was over, with Brock Lesnar pinned cleanly in the middle of the ring.

It was an abrupt ending to “The Biggest WrestleMania Match of All Time”. And it signifies that the feud between Lesnar and Reigns is finally over. However, it does lead to the obvious question: who can possibly defeat Roman Reigns at this point? That is a question for another time and maybe another WrestleMania.

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