
5 surprising things WWE hinted at this week

What role will Dean Ambrose play at WrestleMania 35?
What role will Dean Ambrose play at WrestleMania 35?

WWE did quite a number of interesting things this week on Raw and Smackdown Live, but some instances kind of stood out among others. In fact, there were several storyline developments this week that have very big implications for the future of the company and The Road to WrestleMania 35, which make them all the more fun to ponder.

With that being said and WrestleMania 35 coming quickly, one has to wonder where WWE is going with several of their biggest storylines. Furthermore, one has to wonder that if the hints WWE seemingly placed for fans this week will lead to things that are rewarding or things that the audience doesn't care about.

Now whether any of these plans even pan out or not remains to be seen and will depend on WWE's booking over the course of the next couple months, but these five things were at least hinted at this week. As always, let us know your thoughts about all of this in the comments below and let us know what you think WWE was hinting at on Raw and Smackdown Live.

#5 Dean Ambrose costing Brock Lesnar the title

Could Dean Ambrose do the unthinkable at WrestleMania 35?
Could Dean Ambrose do the unthinkable at WrestleMania 35?

And just like that, Dean Ambrose ends his rivalry with Seth Rollins.

At least that's the way it seems after The Lunatic Fringe wished Seth Rollins luck in slaying the beast, but does that mean that Ambrose will be involved somehow? While it might not seem like it right now, especially with his lacklustre feud with EC3 right now, could WWE use Ambrose as a way to make sure Rollins doesn't win clean?

Think about it! Brock Lesnar rarely takes a clean loss these days and while Rollins defeating the beast fair and square would be amazing, it might not be realistic enough. Unfortunately for fans that want to see a clean win, that means WWE will likely use Ambrose or some other outside factor to make sure Lesnar finally drops the belt.

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