
5 Tallest Wrestlers in WWE History

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Big Show and The Great Khali face to face.

There's nothing quite like a giant in wrestling. The 'David vs Goliath' is probably one of the most frequent storylines used in wrestling. And these humongous men act as the perfect Goliaths to the heroic babyfaces who are tasked with overcoming them.

And while they are generally never the greatest in-ring performers, just their sheer size makes up for there lack of wrestling ability. Also, you might stumble upon someone like The Undertaker once in a while, who can go toe to toe with the best of them.

Now, it is important to remember that males start to shrink at the age of 30 and naturally lose a few inches in height. So we are going take into consideration the tallest these giants were in their prime instead of what they are now.

Also, pro wrestling is an entertainment business and it is not uncommon for the promoters to exaggerate the physical structures of the performers. We have also taken this into consideration and tried to rank these men in order to their real heights and not what they were billed to be.

So without further ado, let's get on with the list.

#5. Big Show - 7'/7'1"

The Big Show has been with the WWE for almost two decades.

The Big Show is easily one of the greatest big men to ever step foot in a wrestling ring. Originally known as 'The Giant' in WCW, The Big Show has had an almost two-decade-long tenure in the WWE. His longevity is very impressive because of the fact that most men of his size are hardly able to handle the rigours of wrestling for more than a couple of years.

The Big Show was originally billed at 7'4" by WCW and then at 7'2" upon his arrival in the WWE. But it is fair to say that Show was about 7 feet or an inch taller in his prime. Just have a look at his old pictures with The Undertaker who is 6'10". There is no way he is half a feet taller than The Deadman.

Although most people would have expected him a lot higher on this list, there are four men in WWE history who were even taller than The Big Show.

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