5 Theories why Randy Orton and The Revival formed a new heel faction on WWE RAW

Not a lot of eventful things took place on this week's edition of RAW. The most significant development by far was Randy Orton teaming up with The Revival to form a brand new faction.
Now, while the idea may appeal to some and not appeal to some others, the question arises with regard to why the decision was made to pair these individuals with one another on WWE Television. I will attempt to answer this question in this page and the ones that follow, with five points.
I would also love to hear your own take on why this alliance was formed too. Mind you, this article is not based on insider knowledge but an analysis of WWE's past booking patterns and the way they like to portray their stars.
That said, here are the points...
#5. No flips, just fists
Firstly, Randy Orton and The Revival are a match made in heaven (or in the deepest pits of hell) if you're just thinking stylistically. Nobody can doubt the fact that they are exemplary workers, but unlike Ricochet and AJ Styles who take an aerial approach when it comes to professional wrestling, Orton, Dash and Dawson prefer to let their fists do the talking. Their approach is more methodical, more devious and far more mean than almost anyone else.
In a lot of ways, this is the perfect pairing as a result. I've had the pleasure of chatting with Alexa Bliss, who has always maintained that her arsenal does not have a lot of high-flying moves because she does not want the crowd to cheer for her. This is why Orton and The Revival make the perfect heel faction.
They go hard, all day all night. And they hear voices in their heads as well!