
5 Things that could happen at No Mercy

There could be plenty of fireworks at WWE No Mercy this weekend

What will the crew from SmackDown Live come up with at No Mercy that will not only leave fans excited about the remainder of the year but will make a statement as the final two months of the year heat up?

The current state of WWE’s World Heavyweight Championship continues to be the hot topic on the blue brand, with AJ Styles hoping to retain his coveted title. History might be made if John Cena can capture his 16th world title, tying Ric Flair for the all-time record.

What SmackDown has right now is momentum. The fact Monday Night Raw cannot seem to get itself out of a wet paper bag and its problem with promoting the United States Title as a bigger belt than the Universal Heavyweight Title plays perfectly into Shane McMahon’s hands.

If No Mercy is to deliver once more – which means quality matches with solid storytelling and an eye for what the fans want, there must be a repeat of last month at Backlash. Can the blue team deliver another left jab to its red brother and widen the gap between sibling rivals?

Here are five things that could happen on Sunday night at No Mercy.

#1 The Usos win tag team gold

Jimmy and Jey Uso turned heel for a reason

The story of Heath Slater was a solid program for Backlash, not reality sets in and it’s time to move on. Jimmy and Jey Uso didn’t turn to the dark side to become jobbers for two mid-card performers. The brothers will capture tag team glory again.


I will be interested to see how WWE plans to use Slater and Rhyno after the pay-per-view. Do they remain a tag team or does the company have bigger plans for the former Nexus member? The Usos are the brand’s best tag team and should enter into a program with American Alpha after Sunday.

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