
5 things WWE could do in the Undertaker vs AJ Styles contract signing

AJ Styles versus The Undertaker. Who wins?
AJ Styles versus The Undertaker. Who wins?

AJ Styles and The Undertaker are set to sign a contract for a match at WrestleMania 36 and one has to wonder what the company has planned for the affair. In fact, with the days ticking down before The Show of Shows and Styles hinting that Undertaker should retire, there are a plethora of opportunities for the company to explore next Monday night.

With that being said and a polarizing contract signing only days away, here are five things that could happen when AJ Styles and Undertaker meet face to face on Raw next week. As always, let us know your thoughts in the comments below and be sure to tell us who you think will come out on top at WrestleMania 36.

#5 Psychological warfare

WWE needs to play up The Undertaker's
WWE needs to play up The Undertaker's "magical powers"!

It's no secret that The Undertaker is the master of the parlor trick and it could be a missed opportunity to not showcase it during the contract signing. He could conjure up lightning to strike the ring, for example, or even do his signature spot of appearing out of nowhere after the lights go out. WWE would be well-served to play up The Deadman's supernatural character to spice up what is likely to be the final segment of next week's show.

Not only will this help to highlight the contrast between The Undertaker of old and the shell of a man that AJ Styles now sees him as, it will also create a feeling that anything can happen. Maybe Undertaker could even bring a coffin to the ring and have an AJ Styles lookalike laying inside, something he's done before, most famously with Diesel in 1996. The point is to get the mind games going in full force. AJ could turn that against him, in an even bigger twist -- it once happened to 'Taker himself, back in 2005.

In the end, a large part of this storyline revolves around The Undertaker not being who he used to be and the company should at least try to present some contrast with that, showing that The Undertaker, be it in desperation or in a show of power, is trying to combat AJ Styles' harsh words.

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