5 things that could happen on SmackDown Live next week

After a missed week, I’m back for more WWE SmackDown Live predictions. It was a good show this week, with a big focus on the Royal Rumble pay-per-view event and some decent wrestling.
It’s still mostly status quo stuff, but as usual, the show flew by very quickly and was an easy watch. It was a fun show. Let’s talk about this week and what I think may happen on the penultimate SD Live before the Rumble.
#5 Bobby Roode and Jinder Mahal win their semifinal matches

I think it’s a pretty obvious move, and it looked pretty clear from the beginning that the US Title tournament final would come down to Bobby Roode and Jinder Mahal. The actual winner at the Royal Rumble PPV is difficult to call.
If Dolph Ziggler is going to return, then it doesn’t make sense for the foreign heel Mahal to be the champion, but Ziggler vs. Roode is a tired match and doesn’t need to be continued.
It will immediately make it tougher for Ziggler’s return to mean anything significant because he would be returning to the same exact scenario he was in before he left.
If rumors are true and Ziggler will be returning in the Rumble match, then I think Jinder will probably end up getting the title. Either way, I expect that both semifinal matches will take place next week on SmackDown Live in order to give them the final week before the PPV to build the match with promos against each other.