
5 Things That Must Happen At TLC 2018

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It's been an indifferent year for WWE, many things have just not gone their way and they have come under heavy criticism for some really lacklustre shows that they have put together. Even the ratings have suffered big time with Raw consistently recording Lowest ever after lowest-ever ratings.

Some of it could be put down to the spate of injuries that WWE has had to deal with on a consistent basis. Roman Reigns is out, Braun Strowman was away from action for a while, Kevin Owens will also take some time to recover from his ankle injury, the list just goes on and on and on.

But then at the same time, quite a bit of it comes down to the creative team as well. When you have an abundance of talent and you're not able to use them judiciously then that's a flaw on your end. The extent to which Roman Reigns was pushed is just one such example.

To set itself on the path to recovery which starts with the last PPV of the year, TLC, following things must happen for the situation to not get worse.

#1 Baron Corbin must lose his powers of being a General Manager Elect

The experiment with Baron Corbin as the General Manager has run its course
The experiment with Baron Corbin as the General Manager has run its course

Let's face it, Baron Corbin with the mic is not a pleasant site and by day in and day out having him consistently kick off the Monday Night Raw has led to a certain level of disgruntlement for the former "Constable" of Raw.

He's not good on the mic and if the purpose of letting him abuse his powers was to piss off the audience, then it has worked wonders already as he has too much heat generated against him and if he didn't somehow lose to Braun Strowman this TLC then it would turn off the audience even more which would probably not be the most desirable thing to do.

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