
5 Things that prove Vince McMahon still knows what's best for business 

Does Vince McMahon still know what's best for business?
Does Vince McMahon still know what's best for business?

Does Vince McMahon still know what's best for business? While most of the WWE Universe will have you believe he doesn't and needs to be ousted from power, his decision making over the past couple of months seem to prove otherwise. In fact, it seems to prove that McMahon is in tune with the WWE Universe and knows what they want.

Of course, that doesn't mean he gets it right every time or won't pass up on someone that should have been a star once or twice, but no one said he was perfect. What we are trying to say however is that his winnings far exceed his shortcomings, which should be proof that WWE is in good hands with McMahon at the helm.

With that being said, and fans continuing to complain that McMahon is out of touch when it comes to what is best for business, here are five things that prove McMahon knows what's best for business. As always, let us know your thoughts in the comments below and be sure to tell us what you think of McMahon's booking decisions.

#5 Wanting to do a women's match in Saudi Arabia

Vince McMahon wanted to do a first ever women's match in Saudi Arabia.
Vince McMahon wanted to do a first ever women's match in Saudi Arabia.

Let's be honest here. Whether its all about the buzz the occasion who would generate the WWE or about truly revolutionizing women's wrestling forever, Vince McMahon wanting women to compete in Saudi Arabia is a great thing! Beyond that, it's something that shows just how progressive the chairman of the board is and how in tune with politics he is as well.

Sure, maybe there are better match-ups WWE could have done instead of Natalya versus Alexa Bliss, but it would still have been a big step in the women's revolution. It would also hopefully open the door to women being able to compete more often in Saudi Arabia, which would be another huge step!

If nothing else, the women's revolution has been one of the main selling points for WWE over the last couple of years and that's the way it should be! With that being said, and the company slowly running out of ways to make waves in the women's division, competing in Saudi Arabia is a crucial next step in the revolution.

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