
5 Things that the WWE could do to ensure long-term success

Goldberg’s return has re-invigorated Raw

Not only did Goldberg’s return take a lot of us back to our pre-pubescent years of wide-eyed appreciation for pro-wrestling, but it also provided a direly needed bump in ratings for Monday Night Raw. For the first time in forever, Raw’s viewership numbers consistently floated above the 3 million mark for the duration of the show.

Obviously, with Goldberg slated to appear in upcoming weeks for building up his feud with Brock Lesnar, some degree of spill-over effect in ratings is to be expected. All this does, however, is paper over the cracks.

A legitimate special attraction like Goldberg is not always available to the WWE, and turning back the clock to open their doors to yesteryear Superstars who can still “go”, is an exercise that will only end up jeopardising their vision of looking towards the future.

So what can the WWE do to ensure that they revitalise their viewership in an organic and self-sustaining manner? Here are 5 solutions that could do the trick.

#5 NXT

NXT can serve as WWE’s production factory for a long time to come

This is the most obvious solution that comes to mind, especially given how useful NXT has proven to be as the ultimate breeding ground for next-gen WWE Superstars. NXT’s burgeoning presence in the main roster today, has gone a long way towards washing away the staleness espoused by the PG era.

Be it by replacing cookie-cutter gimmicks with edgy and intriguing characters, or replacing predictable in-ring action with a highly technical, fast paced and realistic repertoire, NXT has established itself as much more than just a secondary brand under the WWE banner.

If the WWE want to plan for the future and long-term success, NXT – like its name suggests –  should be at the fulcrum of the project.

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