
5 things WWE could have done to make WrestleMania 35 the perfect event

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Before I start this piece, let me make it absolutely clear that WrestleMania 35 was actually a very good event. Despite only two to three matches having a proper storyline, the event turned out to be very good with some top-class performances from WWE Superstars.

Now that I have gotten that out of the way, let’s get to the brass tacks. WrestleMania 35 was the longest PPV ever in the history of WWE. There were 16 matches played out in total and 7 titles changed hands.

The fan favorites saw themselves on the winning side as WWE surprised everyone with how they responded to the fans’ requests. For years, if there was one complaint against the company, it was how they never listened to them.

This time, however, the fans have no way to complain. However, nothing is really perfect and this even also had some flaws – some things that WWE could have done differently.

And here are 5 such things…

#5 A clean win for Rollins

I understand. Brock Lesnar is the Beast Incarnate, the epitome of greatness intertwined with brutality. However, the idea that he could absolutely squash anyone at will and the only way to beat him is to embrace the dark arts is something that should not be happening all the time.

Yes, he has an enormous physique and Paul Heyman is always there to hype him up. But beneath all that muscle is a man – a mere mortal – who could also be defeated cleanly.

Goldberg did it once and that was about it. The fact that Goldberg did it – who is not really a great in-ring performer – but others far better inside the squared circle couldn’t is something that needed changing.

And WWE could have done with Rollins instead of making him go low.

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