
5 Things WWE did right in 2018

One of the highlights of 2018 was the
One of the highlights of 2018 was the "Last Women Standing" match

In one of my previous posts, I talked about the mistakes that WWE had made in 2018 but let's be honest, even in a year like 2018 a lot of things didn't fall in place. It wasn't all bad, there were some bright moments which WWE could look back and pat themselves on the back for.

Sure, some storylines died for no reason (for instance, the strange Lashley-Reigns feud that ended at 1-1 and inexplicably made Roman the No.1 contender) while some amazing wrestlers (Nakamura, Balor, Bobby Lashley to name a few) never really got their rightful push there were others who did and made the most of it.

It was a bad year but even in this one WWE was able to strike gold once or twice and some pushes really reaped a whole load of benefit.

Looking back, after looking at the things which went wrong, let's look at the things which actually worked for WWE.

#1 Pushing Becky Lynch to become the Champion

Becky Lynch became
Becky Lynch became "The Man" in 2018

This has to be the best decision that WWE made in 2018 when they finally heard what the audience wanted and went ahead with it. Becky Lynch had been gaining momentum week after week after week by notching up wins on SmackDown and when she was finally part of the triple threat match against Charlotte Flair and Carmella the whole crowd chanted for Becky to win.

The subsequent outburst, the semi-heel turn (well... she was a heel that was cheered the loudest by the crowd) and title run have put Becky at the top of the ladder in the WWE women's roster. 

So great her run was, that a potential Charlotte Flair vs Ronda Rousey match at WrestleMania is now rumored to have been made a triple threat match with Becky Lynch added to the fold. Her demeanor has a bit of Connor McGregor to it and she has certainly been "The Man" of wrestling in WWE.

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