
5 Things WWE did right in the 2019 draft

Seth Rollins and Brock Lesnar
Seth Rollins and Brock Lesnar

The 2019 WWE roster draft has come to an end, ending the Wildcard Rule in the company and re-instituting the roster split on both RAW and SmackDown.

While this year's draft definitely provided its share of good and bad, both RAW and SmackDown now have clear slates of talents as RAW enters its new season and SmackDown makes the big transition to FOX.

One of the bigger fan complaints surrounding the WWE draft this year was the 'war room' style segments featuring TV executives, as many fans felt the segments were over-the-top in an unnecessary way and added little to RAW and SmackDown by way of value or realism.

Still, this year's draft produced several factors which move WWE in the right direction, so let's take a look at five things the company got right in the 2019 roster draft.

#5 Seth Rollins remains on RAW and Brock Lesnar goes to SmackDown

Brock Lesnar
Brock Lesnar

Heading into the WWE draft this year, it was unclear as to where the two top champions in the company would land, but now we know that The BeastSlayer Seth Rollins will remain on RAW and the new WWE Champion Brock Lesnar will head to SmackDown for the first time in years.

Lesnar was able to defeat Kofi Kingston in just seven seconds on SmackDown's premiere episode on FOX, and the bout set up the debut of Cain Velasquez who will face The Beast in singles action at the upcoming WWE Crown Jewel PPV.

It was wise of WWE to move Brock Lesnar over to SmackDown, as he can be represented as a more sports-oriented champion.

The same can be said about Seth Rollins remaining on RAW, as it is wise for the Universal Champion to be separated from Lesnar, and from The Fiend Bray Wyatt.

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