
5 Things WWE got right on Raw this week (31st December, 2018)

Raw was effective this week
Raw was effective this week

Monday Night Raw was not one of WWE's strongest shows last year, and now that we have entered a new year, hopefully, WWE can make amends for their terrible handling of the flagship show and give fans quality entertainment.

While one can only hope that WWE's booking of Raw improves drastically in the next year, the truth is that their booking of the final Raw of the year was not that bad.

There is no doubt that WWE still has problems in their booking, but let's look at what WWE got right on Raw this week.

#1 Ziggler puts McIntyre over

An awesome match.
An awesome match.

The rivalry between Dolph Ziggler and Drew McIntyre has been somewhat entertaining over the last few weeks, as WWE used Ziggler to build McIntyre up as a true force on Raw, and for the most part that has worked to perfection.

And this week on Raw, WWE took things up a notch when they booked Ziggler and McIntyre in a brutal steel cage match, and this match was amazing for many reasons.

From Ziggler's impressive selling to McIntyre's intensity, WWE booked this match with some thought for the future, as McIntyre was finally promoted like the tank he is, and hopefully, this means he goes on to big things on Raw.

#2 Apollo Crews gets a chance

A chance for Crews to shine.
A chance for Crews to shine.

Apollo Crews is one of the most underused stars on the WWE roster today, and while some might blame that on WWE calling him up too early from NXT, the fact is that they just didn't treat him as a priority for many years.

Now it seems like Crews might be getting a chance to shine, as Crews won the fresh start battle royal which allowed him to challenge Dean Ambrose for the Intercontinental Title.

Even though Crews lost, the chances of him getting in a number one contender's position years ago would seem unlikely, so this is the right step forward for him.

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