
5 things WWE should do in 2021 and 5 things they should not

Putting the title back on Becky Lynch is only one of the things WWE needs to do this year.
Putting the title back on Becky Lynch is only one of the things WWE needs to do this year.

WWE has a lot of changes to make in 2021, and while some of them will be easy to accomplish, others might be more difficult. Now, a lot of that has to do with WWE wanting to pull out all the stops to get fans' attention, but a much more subtle approach could work nicely.

In fact, if WWE were to simply change a few key components of their storytelling, they could really recapture the magic they had last year. It might even be enough to create another small boom period for WWE, which would be great for their future on FOX and USA Network.

With WWE needing to gain fans' attention again, here are 5 things they should do and 5 things they shouldn't do in 2021. As always, let us know your thoughts in the comments below, and be sure to tell us what you think the company needs to accomplish in 2021.

#10 WWE shouldn't do too many cinematic universe matches

WWE might want to shy away from cinematic matches for awhile.
WWE might want to shy away from cinematic matches for awhile.

Cinematic matches were somewhat of a neat novelty for WWE to use in 2020. However, it seemed to divide fans more than anything else. Of course, some fans loved the idea, especially when it came to The Fiend character, but it didn't really work when it came to the Money in the Bank or the Swamp match.

The motif made a rousing return at Backlash when Randy Orton and Edge took part in The Greatest Wrestling Match Ever, but it hasn't really worked since then. In fact, it has become a bit of a tired trope among WWE fans, which leaves the future of such matches in doubt.

Now, this doesn't mean these types of matches can't happen on occasion, but they are not something that should be focused on for very long. In all honesty, doing so ruins the magic of the moment, and a lot of the storytelling is so difficult to follow anyway.

#9 WWE should bring a hardcore element to the 24/7 title

WWE needs to do something different with their 24/7 title.
WWE needs to do something different with their 24/7 title.

It's no secret that the 24/7 title is WWE's family-friendly version of the original Hardcore Championship, and that might just be the hardest thing to accept about its premise. Although the title's design wasn't the best idea either, it was how the belt was defended that has been particularly difficult to invest in.

Keep in mind that the 24/7 rule used to have Superstars running through airports, play area's and even backstage to win the coveted prize. It also had an anything could happen type of feel, which isn't seen in the current title picture. It's always just a last-second betrayal and a pin for the victory.

In the end, WWE needs to make this belt more unpredictable, and that starts by invoking a hardcore rule. At the very least, WWE can't keep relying on roll-ups and cartoon shenanigans to tell the story of the title. They need to get gutsier with their storytelling and lean it towards the older crowd.

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