
5 things WWE subtly told us on Smackdown Live (23 October 2018)

Booyaka, Booyaka, 619!
Booyaka, Booyaka, 619!

The blue brand had the last main roster show going into WWE Evolution, and while we had a lot of hopes and expectations from it, the show delivered on some options and failed on some at the same time.

Vince McMahon and team tried to put on a great show, but except some segments, the others failed miserably. The 'Miz TV' segment went well, and it was the most loved segment of the show. Apart from this segment, there was nothing really worthwhile on the blue brand.

The promo by Shane O'Mac did no good to the brand and ratings, and it sounded like a bad segment too. The WWE Universe, however, make it clear that they still love the 'Straight Edge' superstar and he must be given an opportunity to come back to the show.

While this was a good moment, here are 5 things that the WWE told us during the show:

#5 AJ Styles versus Daniel Bryan will hype up slowly

The feud between these two babyfaces has been building up slowly, and the company is in no rush to blow things up in a rush. The fans loved the fact that they would see 'The Phenomenal' wrestler face off against 'The Leader of the Yes Movement' inside the ring, but the company doesn't want to entice fans a lot by making these two wrestlers exchange blows before the time is right.

It is expected that by the time Survivor Series comes around, these two will be in a heated feud and we may see them exchange blows.

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