
5 times Superstars lost the match but won the hearts in WWE

Bret Hart and Shawn Michaels have a lot of animosity between them
Bret Hart and Shawn Michaels had a lot of animosity between them

Like any other sports, WWE has a fan base across the globe. These fans often consider their favourite wrestlers as idols and get connected to them emotionally. When these wrestlers win, the fans celebrate and get loads of happiness. When they lose, the fans get equally saddened and eagerly await a change in fortune for their beloved Superstars.

Many times in WWE, it has happened that the least favourite or an unexpected wrestler, defeated someone who was more deserving than him. In such a scenario WWE has received lots of flak from the audiences. In this article, we shall look at five such instances where a wrestler who was dearer to the audience lost.

#5 Bret Hart - Bret Hart vs Shawn Michaels

The infamous incident took place at Survivor Series 1997
The infamous incident took place at Survivor Series 1997

When Shawn Michaels defeated The Undertaker, in the first ever Hell in a Cell match, he became the number one contender for the WWF World Heavyweight Championship. He was scheduled to face Bret Hart for the title at Survivor Series in 1997. This match went on to become the infamous Montreal Screw-job.

Both Michaels and Hart had onscreen as well as off-screen issues with one another. Also, Bret Hart signed a contract with WCW to leave WWF. Mr. McMahon didn't want Bret to leave the company along with the Championship.

Thus when Shawn Michaels locked Bret in the sharpshooter submission move, the referee upon Vince McMahon's insist deliberately rang the bell even though Bret Hart didn't tap. This caused Bret to forcefully lose the match and the title as well.

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