
5 times when WWE Superstars crossed the line

The Legend Killer and The Nature Boy.
The Legend Killer and The Nature Boy.

Trash talking is an essential aspect of WWE. The intense verbal exchanges between various Superstars get people interested in storylines. However, sometimes while trying to generate heel heat with the fans, Superstars cross their limits.

Over the years, we have witnessed several WWE storylines where various stars did some unforgivable things to provoke their opponents. They made some very harsh comments about a Superstar's personal life to unsettle them before the actual fight.

Sometimes it works really well, as it makes the story more intense and personal. But in other instances, it doesn't go the right way and generates extremely negative reactions. In this article, let's take a look at five such instances where WWE Superstars crossed the line with their outrageous comments or acts.

#5 Samoa Joe invades AJ Styles' house - WWE Smackdown

Joe at Summerslam 2018.
Joe at Summerslam 2018.

Samoa Joe is one of those WWE Superstars who are well known for backing their words with actions. So when Joe renewed his TNA rivalry with AJ Styles in the summer of 2018, fans knew that they were about to witness a very personal rivalry.

After becoming the new challenger for the WWE title, Joe started playing mind games with The Phenomenal One. As the rivalry progressed, Joe launched more personal attacks on Styles and his family.

During their SummerSlam match, Joe stepped up on the announcers' desk and made a very distasteful comment. He told Styles' daughter that after Styles loses the bout, he will become her new father. Joe's comments enraged Styles, who then brutalized him with steel chairs.

However, Joe kept making Styles' life a living hell. During their contract signing segment for Super Showdown 2018, Joe invaded Styles' house. He constantly threatened to get into AJ's house while the latter stood helpless in the ring. He begged Joe not to go into the house.

The segment went off the air with Joe ringing Styles' doorbell and saying," Daddy's home". It was one of the most heinous ways to agitate a person, which was quite evident from Styles' expressions that turned from anger into fear in a matter of seconds.

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