
5 Times WWE Superstars got in trouble after promo segments

Seth Rollins and Wade Barrett's promos were negatively received by WWE management
Seth Rollins and Wade Barrett's promos were negatively received by WWE management

Various stories have emerged over the years about WWE Superstars landing themselves in trouble for something that happened in a match, but did you know that some Superstars have been reprimanded by the company’s higher-ups after a disappointing promo segment?

Depending on who you listen to, some former WWE Superstars were forced to read promos word-for-word whenever they appeared on television, while others were given the freedom to work off bullet points and make adjustments that made sense for their character.

Now, as we’re about to find out, WWE Superstars having freedom with their promos does not always go according to plan, especially if they are greeted by an angry Vince McMahon when they make their way to the backstage area after a segment.

In this article, let’s take a look at five times that Superstars got in trouble after promos.

#5 Rusev (League of Nations segment, WWE RAW)

The inspiration for this article comes from Rusev, who has been very open about his WWE career on his Twitch and YouTube channels since leaving WWE in April 2020.

“The Bulgarian Brute” spoke to one of his closest friends in WWE, Sheamus, about their time together on the main roster, including their brief alliance as part of The League of Nations faction.

Sheamus and Rusev made it clear throughout their conversation that they thought The League of Nations, which also included Alberto Del Rio and Wade Barrett, were made to look extremely weak after they lost a 4-on-1 handicap match against Roman Reigns.

Rusev even revealed that the four members of the group got in trouble when they did not react to jokes that their WrestleMania 32 rivals, The New Day, made about them during a promo.

The three-time WWE United States Champion tried to go along with The New Day’s jokes by pretending to wash his armpits when they mocked his hygiene, but that did not go down well backstage.

“All four of us, we got too fed up with it. Way too fed up. Then we got in trouble because we were not selling what they were insulting us. What are we supposed to sell? They’re insulting us like we’re little kids.”

The League of Nations went on to defeat The New Day at WrestleMania 32, but the match is best remembered for the appearances of three WWE Hall of Famers – Mick Foley, Shawn Michaels and Steve Austin – in a post-match segment.

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