
5 times WWE Superstars had to pay real-life fines

Even stars such as John Cena and Steve Austin couldn't save themselves from fines
Even stars such as John Cena and Steve Austin couldn't save themselves from fines

Like any other gobal organization, WWE too has a set of rules and regulations its superstars are meant to follow. However, sometimes the superstars cross the stipulated boundaries specified by the promotion and get into trouble.

Vince McMahon's company doesn't shy away from imposing hefty fines for such acts. Though every so often, the fine seems reasonable and required, other times, WWE just imposes them to set an example.

It doesn't matter how big of a name someone is, Mr. McMahon and his promotion have fined a massive chunk of amounts, sometimes in the range of USD 650,000.

Our article will focus on five instances when WWE Superstars had to pay real-life fines.

Which of the following penalties do you feel were necessary, and which ones were just not required?

Share what you think in the comments below.

#5. John Cena is one of those WWE Superstars who had to pay real-life fines

Fun Fact: John Cena apparently paid our fine...

youtu.be/MhT4tgknoDU https://t.co/r0qmGB0VZi

Aiden English, who has now been released by WWE, revealed on his YouTube channel last year about the time he was fined heavily. He competed in a six-man tag-team dark match alongside Miro (f.k.a. Rusev) and Baron Corbin against AJ Styles and The Usos.

During the match, The Usos, who are widely known for their superkicks, started performing the maneuver on Aiden English. As it was a dark match, which many consider to be non-canonical, the superstars decided to do something funny.

All six superstars started throwing superkicks, much to fans' delight. The audience then started shouting "referee" chants. After being persuaded by the superstars, the referees superkicked English and then pinned the heels. The crowd erupted on the occasion.

Following the act, the six superstars and the referee had to face resentment from the backstage officials, who were displeased with their actions. Each of these superstars was fined USD 20,000.

However, English was informed later that someone else had paid their fine. A man with a big heart (and bank balance) came to their rescue, and his name is John Cena. Cena paid USD 120,000 to bail out the superstars.

It is still weird that the superstars were fined for entertainment, perhaps the fundamental maxim of WWE.

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