
5 times WWE Superstars recently broke kayfabe on TV

WWE has allowed several stars to break kayfabe for several different reasons
WWE has allowed several stars to break kayfabe for several different reasons

There was once a time when all WWE Superstars were required to live in kayfabe whenever they were within earshot of fans. This meant that more often than not, Superstars were forced to stay in character outside of arenas and even backstage.

The wrestling world has evolved quite a lot since the Attitude Era when heels would always be heels until they were safely home behind closed doors. Social media has meant that the WWE Universe now gets a peek inside the personal lives of many stars who are very different off-screen when their character walks past the curtain.

Despite this shift, kayfabe is usually always maintained on-screen, but in recent years there have been a few occasions when WWE has been happy to drop the curtain and allow the WWE Universe to see the other side.

#5 Becky Lynch's pregnancy announcement on WWE RAW

The WWE Universe was handed the surprising news on Monday Night RAW that Becky Lynch was leaving WWE for an undisclosed amount of time because she was expecting Seth Rollins' baby.

Lynch then handed her RAW Women's Championship to Asuka despite the women being rivals at the turn of the year. Asuka also went on to hug Lynch when she revealed the news before The Man left the arena in tears.

Later in the night, Rey Mysterio congratulated Seth Rollins on the news ahead of his match, which was the first time Rollins was mentioned as the father. The Monday Night Messiah is currently working as a heel on RAW, which was why this came as such a shock.

The former World Champion has since updated his Instagram to reveal his thoughts on the latest addition to his family, which is definitely out of character.

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