
5 Top betrayals in WWE history

Steve Austin and Vince McMahon
Steve Austin and Vince McMahon

Wrestling is not just about what happens inside the ring. It's also about those wonderful stories that get interwoven with the action that makes for some spectacular viewing.

The one thing WWE has taught us in so many years is not to trust anyone. As soon as the fans get comfortable with their favorite superstar, he becomes a heel. Similarly, a heel does something good in an act and becomes a fan favorite.

Usually, wrestlers from the groups help each other. They start as a solid unit, but it always happens they disintegrate mostly by betrayals. While some have betrayed their family and friends, others have also betrayed the trust of fans.

Today, we take a look at five such betrayals that caught fans by surprise and sent shockwaves across the industry.

#5 Stephanie McMahon turns on her dark side

Triple H and Stephanie McMahon
Triple H and Stephanie McMahon

Stephanie McMahon is currently in an administrative role with the WWE. But for much of the late 90's and early 2000's, she was an integral part of storylines that took center stage. She was the focal point and involved in feuds which boasted of Stone Cold, Kurt Angle, Triple H and even The Undertaker.

One such storyline was in 1999. When Triple H announced to Vince McMahon he had secretly married Stephanie McMahon, he was devastated. In anger and frustration, McMahon challenged Triple H to a main event match at Armageddon in December 1999. Near the end of the match, Vince asked Stephanie to bludgeon Triple H with a sledgehammer.

She tried but could not do it. Triple H won the match and embraced Stephanie soon after. Vince was aghast and could not believe his eyes. It soon became clear to Vince her daughter was always with Triple H.

The game has always played all his cards right and Stephanie was the joker in his pack.

#4 A huge family feud brews

Shane and Vince fighting it out
Shane and Vince fighting it out

Vince McMahon did not want Mick Foley as WWF commissioner but was given full support by WWF CEO Linda McMahon. Vince was displeased and demanded a divorce from his wife. Soon after, it was reported to Vince's delight Linda suffered a nervous breakdown and was rushed to the hospital.

The Board of Directors elevated Vince as the WWF CEO, after which he fired Foley. He also started having an affair with Trish Stratus. During the March 12 episode of Raw is War, Vince's son Shane McMahon returned to the ring and started beating him because of his father's insane acts. The fight was stopped by William Regal.

Mick Foley appeared soon after, smiling at Vince. Linda walked inside the ring and kicked him in the "family jewels." Shane drop-kicked a trash can into his father from the other side of the ring. All in all, Vince ended up as a loser.

It was an emotionally charged encounter and yet another example of why the McMahons remain the greatest wrestling family of all time.

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