
5 twists that could happen at WWE TLC 2016

Dean Ambrose will challenge AJ Styles for the WWE World Title in a TLC match

Every time a pay-per-view comes around, rumours go crazy about who is going to return, which titles are going change hands, and which match is going to see a big upset. Generally, most things go as expected, or at least nothing Earth-shattering happens, but sometimes WWE can surprise us.

I wonder if there will be any switches between faces and heels this time around, or maybe the appearance of a legend or a surprise victory that helps propel someone higher up the card without hurting the person who takes the loss.

They say that “anything can happen in WWE”, so let's put that to the test and talk about 5 twists that WWE might pull at Sunday's TLC event.

#5 The Undertaker costs AJ Styles the WWE World Title

Will his grudge over SmackDown losing at Survivor Series spill over into TLC?

We know that WWE is possibly planning a match between The Undertaker and AJ Styles for the Royal Rumble PPV in January. While we often see The Undertaker show up after matches are over, there is some recent precedent that he has no problem interfering in a match when someone upsets him.

AJ Styles losing his cool and getting his own team member eliminated at Survivor Series could have certainly upset The Undertaker. Ambrose did the same, but it was retaliatory in nature, as opposed to Styles essentially offering up Ambrose on a silver platter.

If Undertaker can hold an 18-month grudge, he could certainly do something after only a couple of weeks.

AJ would win the title back before Royal Rumble so he can lose it to Undertaker later, but this twist at TLC is something that could happen.

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