
5 Unwritten rules of Vince McMahon's WWE

Vince McMahon's WWE has a bunch of unwritten rules that aren't discussed on air
Vince McMahon's WWE has a bunch of unwritten rules that aren't discussed on air

It has been a long time since the fact was made public that pro-wrestling isn't an actual sport. WWE and several other promotions are similar to soap operas that keep the viewers hooked on their TVs every week. Storylines last for weeks on end, or even months or years in some cases, and culminate in matches at PPVs.

Despite wrestling not being an actual sport, it still has a long list of rules that need to be followed by wrestlers. For instance, in WWE, there are numerous rules that have to be followed while engaging in storylines and competing in matches.

On the other hand, there are a bunch of unwritten rules that aren't mentioned publicly and many fans don't notice how often these 'rules' are implemented.

Let's take a look at five unwritten rules of Vince McMahon's WWE that you probably didn't know, in the following slideshow.

#5 A ban on uttering the words 'title shot'

Strowman and Vince McMahon backstage
Strowman and Vince McMahon backstage

WWE has a long list of banned terms that Superstars aren't allowed to use on TV. "Title shot" is one such term that WWE has banned its Superstars from uttering on live TV.

WWE Hall of Famer Mick Foley once told a story about how Braun Strowman garnered backstage heat after saying he wants a "title shot" on TV.

I heard Braun Strowman say, 'I want a title shot'. Mr. McMahon's behind the curtain, at the board watching the monitor, and he goes, 'Oh god, it's not a title shot'.

Mick Foley wondered at the time what he would call it if it wasn't a title shot. Vince made it clear that it's a title match, not a title shot. A list was recently revealed that consisted of words that have been banned by WWE. The list includes words such as performer, war, faction, and strap.

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