
5 Superstars who need to go back to NXT and 5 who need to be brought up to WWE

Bobby Roode may be the most over with the NXT fans as he's ever been.

In just a matter of weeks, we will close out 2016, and look into the New Year. With the New Year, comes new opportunities for the talent on all WWE rosters. From the current title holders to the NXT Rookies who have yet to make a debut, everyone will be looking for their respective opportunity to shine, and showcase their abilities for the world to see. 

With that said, there are some Superstars that have already made their way onto one of the WWE main rosters, but for whatever reason, they're just not getting the love they may very well deserve. So, what are those who are repeatedly looked over in exchange for someone like James Ellsworth, supposed to do? 

Looking at all three rosters, Raw, Smackdown and NXT, it's pretty easy to spot those who deserves better than they're being offered. They are doing nothing more than taking up valuable space when they could be used in a much more effective manner. So what needs to be done? 

Well, with NXT still a viable brand, why not let some of those misused stars back down to NXT, elevate a few guys from the yellow brand and simply shake things up a bit? 

This could be a change that benefits everyone involved. While the elevated stars from NXT get an idea of what the main roster grind is like, the others get to see if they can offer more to the developmental show, all while showing the creative teams what they could've been bringing on the main roster.

So, who goes down, and who comes up? I've come up with the following 5 superstars who may benefit from some time back in NXT, and 5 from NXT who are ready to step their game up to the main roster.

#1 UP: Samoa Joe

Samoa Joe has had a tremendous run in NXT.

Since arriving in NXT, Samoa Joe has experienced a rebirthing sort of process. Watching him during his final days with TNA, it appeared he had lost some of his desire for the business. It was obvious that a change was in order, and this change worked out flawlessly. 

Like Asuka, Joe would have to drop his title as well, but I'm sure that's a sacrifice he's willing to make.

Joe, similar to Bobby Roode, has plenty of high-level success, as well as his fair share of world championship title reigns, including his unprecedented reign as ROH World Champion for 645 days. Joe has been in the ring with many of the top stars in the world. 

Now it's time for the top WWE Superstars to see why Samoa Joe is the true Samoan Submission Machine.

#1 DOWN: Bo Dallas

It's time to go back to the basics of what made Bo so successful in NXT.

While in NXT, Bo Dallas was consistently the top talent on the roster. His unorthodox style was very intriguing, yet effective. Dallas was a tremendous performer, one who never disappointed when it came to delivering quality entertainment. Bo also held the NXT title for an impressive 280 days. 

Once Dallas made it to the main roster, it was as if no one knew what to do next. Week after week, it appeared that the WWE creative team had forgotten what their job entailed. Nevertheless, Bo has tried to make it work, but there's only so much he could do with his hands being creatively tied behind his back.

Bo Dallas has a plethora of potential. The common WWE fan may not believe that, but I'd challenge you to watch his work as NXT Champion, and you'll quickly become a Bo-Liever. At this point, Bo has nothing to lose at this point, and an entire career to gain. Going back to NXT, and proving his worth once again, it may be the best option for him at this point. 


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