
5 ways in which WWE can utilize a red-hot Rusev

Rusevmania is running wild!
Rusevmania is running wild!

One of the most underutilized superstars in WWE, the super-athlete Rusev has finally found a gimmick in which he can find tremendous success. His previous shtick of a foreign heel bashing America was an overused gimmick which has thankfully been laid to rest.

Rusev is massively over with the WWE Universe right now, selling merchandise like hot cakes and WWE needs to utilize this momentum as soon as possible. Rusev's brilliant pairing with the melodious voice of Aiden English has worked wonders, and could lead to a career rejuvenation for the former United States champion.

We look at five ways in which Rusev could be pushed in the weeks leading up to Wrestlemania.

#5: A face turn against Roode.

Rusev Day will become ten times better if he is the US Champion
Rusev Day will become ten times better if he is the US Champion

Rusev and Bobby Roode faced off on last night's Smackdown Live with the US title on the line. A lot of people were expecting WWE to finally take the initiative and turn the natural heel Bobby Roode. We haven't seen a double turn in WWE for quite some time, so it will definitely be interesting to watch.

Rusev has all the tools to become the biggest babyface on Smackdown Live, and a person who the audience loves is whom the audience will come to see every week. Rusev as a face can work wonders for WWE.

A face turn followed by a US Championship run can make Rusev a legitimate star.

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