
5 Ways The Shield Could Break Up This TimeĀ 

How will the current run of the Hounds finally conclude?
How will the current run of the Hounds finally conclude?

The wrestling world is supremely excited following the Shield reunion. Yet, we all know that all good things must come to an end someday. The last time, the world was aghast when Seth Rollins took a chair and turned on his brothers. How will The Shield meet its end, this time around?

I will list 5 scenarios in this article. I invite you folks to do the same in the comments section. We all know that even though we don't see it coming yet, it's only a brief matter of time before this group comes to a rather bitter end.

Do not worry yet, folks. I have a feeling that The Shield will have a long and prosperous run, before they all go their separate ways.

And yet, during this run, cracks may start developing again.

#5 Seth Rollins sides with The Authority again

Hey, The Universal Champion needs credible heel opponents to face off against
Hey, The Universal Champion needs credible heel opponents to face off against, down the line

I know that a lot of you think that this will not happen again. After all, we have already seen this take place the last time around, so what's the point of history repeating itself yet again? For me to justify this point, just remember that everything serves a larger storyline; in this case...the future of the Universal Championship.

Roman Reigns can only take on Braun Strowman so many times for the title, in coming months. There will come a point where he needs fresh opponents to work against, and we all know how good Seth Rollins can be as a heel. Therefore, we may see a repeat of the classic storyline, culminating with Rollins hitting his Shield brethren with the dreaded steel chair.

I see this as the only way to elevate Rollins from the Intercontinental Championship level to the Universal title level. Plus, it could lead to an exciting Ambrose vs. Rollins rivalry once again.

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