
5 Ways to book Dean Ambrose's WWE Championship feuds

Ready, willing, unstable

Dean Ambrose’s title defense at Battleground was like LeBron James in the Cavs – the team pulled its own weight, but everyone knew who the engine was. Bayley’s for-one-night-only might have been Kyrie Irving, but the Lunatic Fringe’s come-from-behind win was a little reminiscent of the King carrying Larry O’Brien back to Cleveland.

The man who half-glanced a fan’s attempt to attack him last year (he was in CZW, man - if it wasn’t for security, Ambrose would’ve stabbed him) DDT’ed the “hmphs” of all those who discounted him as a placeholder for Seth Rollins. 

Ambrose, apart from being an anomalous amalgam of Daniel Bryan’s underdoggedness, Stone Cold's take-no-prisoners style and Mick Foley's self-destructive tendencies, is always open for business. Keen to underline his statement of being a fighting champion, who do you think will be his first (would-be) invader?

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