
5 ways to revive Apollo Crews' WWE career

How can the career of Apollo Crews be revived?
How can the career of Apollo Crews be revived?

Apollo Crews has been on the main roster superstar since 2016. He made his debut on an epic Monday night after WrestleMania, as part of a massive shakeup in the WWE. Apart from a few matches with AJ Styles and a brand deal with Titus Worldwide, not much has happened for the 32-year-old on the main roster. This is a stark contrast to his dominant days in NXT, where he was one of the brand’s main event players. 

Sometimes talented wrestlers don’t always get the rub of the green in the pro wrestling world, and Apollo Crews falls under that umbrella. He’s a world-class wrestler that needs one little spark to set him off into stardom. The talent is there, let’s just find the right way to package it. 

Here are 5 ways to revive Apollo Crews’ career.

#5 Tag Team run

Who would you like to see Apollo Crews paired up with?
Who would you like to see Apollo Crews paired up with?

The recent formation of Dolph Ziggler and Robert Roode has once again reminded us how relevant the tag team scene is. Also, it’s shown us how an unlikely pairing can do wonders for the careers of individuals. Apollo Crews needs some of that magic. The American born Superstar is the perfect candidate to be placed in a competent tag team.

In such a setting, Crews could continue to showcase his exceptional wrestling ability, without the pressure of having to maintain a character he’s not comfortable with. It gives him the freedom to do what he does best, wrestling.

Imagine Crews being paired with likeable babyface in Mustafa Ali or Cedric Alexander, two wrestlers the fans are already fond of. Automatically, some of that likeability would crossover to Crews, giving him much needed personality and backing from the WWE Universe. 

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