
5 ways Triple H can be involved in the brand split

Triple H has recently been in the WWE as part of The Authority

Triple H hasn’t been seen on WWE programming since this year’s fateful Wrestlemania 32, when he lost his WWE Championship to Roman Reigns. The arrival of Shane McMahon to Monday Night Raw has made his absence even more conspicuous.

The Authority seems to have dropped off the face of the earth leaving a solitary Stephanie to battle it out with her brother for control over WWE.

Triple H’s absence was called into focus again when Vince came on last week’s Raw and announced that Stephanie and Shane were going to be the commissioners of Raw and Smackdown respectively after the brand split.

With so much going on at WWE, one can only wonder what Triple H’s role will be once the brand split takes place.

Hardcore fans of the franchise are aware of his involvement with NXT and other talent development programmes across the globe, but is that going it to be it for the Cerebral Assasin?

#5 Triple H stays behind the scenes

Will Triple H be happy with a backstage role in NXT?

Triple H may have been a heel his entire career but the man knows how to draw fans in. With the brand split underway and Stephanie and Shane in focus, what is Triple H’s role going to be in all of this?

At present, it seems like he will have no part to play at all.

Triple H is the man behind the success of NXT and the recent Cruiserweight Classic (CWC) has been his brainchild too.

It’s entirely possible he will stick to talent development for now and his defeat at Wrestlemania was a way of giving him that out.

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